Jake Hoback Knives is privileged to honor our retired and active duty military and law enforcement personnel with a 10% Discount on every purchase.  The discount is automatically applied at the time of order placement.  Here's what you need to do to take advantage of the discount:

  1. To be eligible, you must be RETIRED or on ACTIVE DUTY in one of the US armed forces (including the National Guard and the Coast Guard) or currently serving in law enforcement (including Border Patrol and Homeland Security).

  2. Go to Create An Account and register your name and email address (if you already have an account, you can skip to the next step).

  3. Email proof of your ACTIVE DUTY military or law enforcement status to JakeHobackKnives@outlook.com, with your request, and put "Military/Law 10% Discount" in the subject line.

  4. We will add the discount code to your account profile, and it will be applied at checkout each time you purchase a product.

  5. Whenever you check out, you will see a field for applying a discount code. Enter the code MILITARY LAW in the discount field, hit APPLY, and your 10% discount will be deducted from the total price. (Please note that if you do not follow the steps above to register your credentials with us, the MILITARY LAW discount code will not work!)

 That's it!  It's that simple.

It's our way of Thanking You for serving our country
and for all the daily sacrifices you make to keep us safe!