Country of Origin


All knives from 2022 and forward are produced in Idaho, USA. No further Jake Hoback Knives will be produced outside of the USA.

Definition of “Country of Origin”

The manufacturing and assembly of the knife was done primarily or exclusively in the stated country.

Where both USA and China are listed, that knife has been manufactured both in the USA and in China through separate production runs.

All Jake Hoback Knives' products are designed, inspected, adjusted as necessary, shipped and serviced from our manufacturing location in the USA.

 All Customs USA

Folders Country of Origin
A8 Slimline USA
A15 Slimline China by WE Knife
A8 Slimline China by WE Knife
Backslip USA
Buster USA / China by WE Knife
Enoch China by WE Knife
Husky China by WE Knife
Kwaiback Button Lock China by WE Knife
Kwaiback MK.1 - MK.5 USA
Kwaiback MK6 China by Bestech
MK Ultra USA / China by WE Knife
OneSam USA / China by WE Knife
OSF (Open Source Folder) USA / China by WE Knife
Paraclete USA / China by WE Knife
Radford USA / China by WE Knife
Sliver China by WE Knife
Summit China by Bestech
Sumo China by WE Knife
Tactical Toucan China by WE Knife
WarHorse USA
WarSpear USA / China by WE Knife


Fixed Blades Country of Origin
Choppa USA / China by Bestech
Beta 1-5 USA
Dashi USA
Goliath China by WE Knife
Jeremiah Johnson (JJ) China by WE Knife
Karamback USA
Kunai Main Squeeze USA
Kwaiback Fixed Blade USA / China by WE Knife
Kwaichete China by Bestech
MP6 USA / China by Bestech
Perseverance USA / China by Bestech
Shepherd China by WE Knife
Tactical Kitchen Knives USA / China by Reate
Talim Fixed Blade USA
Tusk China by Bestech


Axes, Tomahawks, Machetes Country of Origin
Proof Research Axe USA
Ps2 Axe China by Bestech
Ps35 Axe USA
The Path Machete USA / China by Bestech
The Way Machete USA / China by Bestech