Bamba Forge

Bamba Forge


Bamba Forge has been creating opportunities and livelihoods in Uganda. Uganda is a beautiful country with some big problems. It is a country with one of the youngest populations in the world due war and the ravages of disease. In Uganda, if you are 30 years old or younger, there is a staggering 63% unemployment. People want to work, but jobs are scarce.

In 2013 Tim Troyer started Bamba Forge as a collaboration with Ugandan leaders to create a way to provide skill training and job opportunities for a group of orphans and at-risk young men.

They didn’t need a handout… they needed a hand up! The forge was started in a wooden shack with a tin roof, an anvil, hand tools, and some fired up young men. Over the last few years, they have really worked hard to hone their skills and move towards being sustainable as a business. Thanks to the help of generous donors, a large new shop has been built and more tools have been added.

This is an exciting time in the story of Bamba Forge, but still challenging. Because of the fragile economy and poverty in Uganda, there is still a challenging road ahead to becoming selfsustaining. We continue to need the partnership and support of generous to help us reach that goal.

We are so thankful for all of the people who have helped us simply buy a bag of charcoal, or bought a vital piece of machinery, and all of the encouragement we have received along the

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